Tins, Jars & Packets

Discover the convenience and variety in our 'Tins, Jars & Packets' category, a treasure trove of essentials for every kitchen in Dubai.

This section is meticulously stocked with a wide range of products, from pantry staples to exotic ingredients, all packed with freshness and flavor. Tins offer long-lasting, nutritious options like beans, vegetables, and fish, perfect for quick meals or emergency supplies. Our jars are filled with delectable pickles, spreads, and condiments, ready to elevate your cooking or snacking experience. The packets section brims with an assortment of dried goods, spices, and quick-fix solutions, ideal for busy lifestyles. Whether you're a seasoned chef or a culinary novice, these convenient, shelf-stable products ensure you're always prepared for any cooking adventure in the heart of Dubai


The highest price is AED 7.57 Reset

3 products