Deals for the month

Discover a month-long journey of savings with our Deals of the Month! Each day unveils new exclusive offers across a wide range of products, combining quality with unbeatable prices. Perfect for those seeking to find everyday essentials or indulge in luxury at a fraction of the cost. Act fast—while our deals last all month, availability does not. Dive in now and enjoy the thrill of the hunt and the joy of savings!


The highest price is AED 47.50 Reset

16 products

Ferrero Rocher T24 Diamond
AED 32.50 AED 46.00
Ferrero Rocher T24 Diamond
Nescafe 3 In 1Classic  Box 24X20G
Volga Jeerakasala Rice 2Kg
AED 17.50 AED 22.00
Volga Jeerakasala Rice 2Kg
Vimto Fruit Cordial 710Ml
AED 10.00 AED 14.25
Vimto Fruit Cordial 710Ml
Al Ain Water 6x1.5L
AED 6.00 AED 9.50
Al Ain Water 6x1.5L
Coca Cola Original 2.26L
AED 6.75 AED 7.75
Coca Cola Original 2.26L
Al Baker All Purpose Flour 1Kg
Al-Usrah Basmati Rice Silky 5Kg