Omelet Sandwich

AED 3.23

Sure! Here's a simple recipe for an omelet sandwich:

- 2 eggs
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 2 slices of bread
- Butter or cooking spray
- Optional fillings: cheese, ham, vegetables, etc.

1. Crack the eggs into a bowl and whisk them together until well beaten. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
2. Heat a non-stick skillet over medium heat and add a small amount of butter or cooking spray to prevent sticking.
3. Pour the beaten eggs into the skillet and let them cook for a few minutes until the edges start to set.
4. If desired, add any fillings such as cheese, ham, or vegetables to one side of the omelet.
5. Carefully fold the other side of the omelet over the fillings, creating a half-moon shape.
6. Cook for another minute or two until the omelet is fully cooked and the fillings are heated through.
7. While the omelet is cooking, toast the bread slices.
8. Once the omelet is cooked, transfer it to one slice of the toasted bread.
9. Top with the other slice of bread to create a sandwich.
10. Cut the sandwich in half if desired, and enjoy!

Feel free to customize your omelet sandwich with your favorite fillings and condiments.